200以上 シロウ・コトミネ 112352-Shirou kotomine and shirou emiya

Amakusa Shirō was available for summoning during the Amakusa Shirō shares the exact ATK values at minimum with Gawain He shares the exact HP values at minimum with Leonardo Da Vinci (Rider) He is the first Servant to have two Extra attack animations Ending a Brave Chain with a card that leaves Amakusa in close range will give the animation that does 4 hits, and ending it with a

Shirou kotomine and shirou emiya-Max Mittelman (English) Shirou is the titular antagonist of Fate/Apocrypha, a compassionate, kind and virtuous member of the Holy Church who oversees the conflict between the red and black Factions as Semiramis's MasterThe latest tweets from @SHIROUTHEPRIEST

Shirou kotomine and shirou emiyaのギャラリー


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